Rabu, 22 Juli 2009


Universitas Lampung

Mobility conventional cargo ship that transported through the length of both
exit and entry in Lampung Province and surrounding areas, especially from 1999 to 2003 is always an increase, this is a one-world business opportunities EMKL transportation services (Ekspedisi Muatan Ship Sea) in order to provide services in order to support a smooth mobili-protective carrying case.
With this decision the Minister of Trade and Industry CQ Director General of Foreign Trade on 16 July 1980 on licensing pendi-rian forwarderl EMKL freight company and inaugurated by the Minister of Transportation into the vessel GAFEKSI / INFFA on 25 July 1989 the number of members grew rapidly enough to be 288 companies, Gafeksi membership and to the Province of Lampung in Bandar lampung berjumiah 25
companies active
PT.Satuan expectancy is one of the Bandar angota Gafeksi lampung business unit is part of PT. Samudera Indonesia Group engaged in the field of conventional cargo services EMKL / non contai-ner cargo have a job as a bridge to help smooth cargo transportation - cargo with how to provide transportation services in the environment of the transport length
Description of data and marketing policies that have been implemented by the Company, that the problem mobilization for the type of cargo ships, conventional cargo and large increases, but the sales volume is relatively small compared jasaya company engaged in the same industry is even decreased. Based on this author formulate permasala-han "factors - factors which affect the volume
sales services EMKL on a conventional cargo tercapaian cause the target service that the Company has been set. "
To discuss and analyze this problem, the author uses statistical analysis consists of testing the validity, reliability testing and quantitative analysis with the regression method linier berganda. Based on the results of discussions and anali-sis that the problems seen from the regression analysis method with linier berganda behavior of the service user EMKL in the PT. With the expectation of significant results, meaning that all hypothetical metalui test test partial and simultaneous with the 95% level of trust and
@ 5%, diperofeh calculated F value of 4.193 is greater compare F table value (2.572), the fifth overall babas variables, namely: establishment of rates the company a negative effect on volume sales services EMKL PT. Unit expectancy and are jointly implementing the campaign, the human resources capabilities, network conditions of service, and system administration / payment berpenga positively ruh-volume sales of services EMKL PT. Unit expectancy, with a large kepengaruhannya (R2) _ 72.3% while the remaining 27.3% is influenced by other factors, that is used with the assumption that economic growth, government regulation, the level of development tehnologi, product policy, distribution and taste and is considered permanent.
However, only partial testing of the four variables have a significant influence in the volume penjua-lan, and this is based on the value of t test compared the t table (1.703). From kempat variables are: the company with the introduction rate of 4.273 t calculated and the implementation of the campaign with t calculated equal to 2.320 means the condition of the network service degan calculated t of 2.567 and administrasi/pembaya- ran the system with t calculated equal to 2.345 while kemam-service officers puan t computation is only
of 0.564.

Keywords: SERVICE SERVICE ship